Tuesday, January 12, 2010

mobile uploads

Not to be too graphic, but the boy darted away to the corner this evening to accomplish his business. Incidentally, his father did the same thing at this age, and told his mom, "Don't mess with me." Karma is a... bad, bad thing.

Ah yes, what would New Years Eve be without an unexpected trip to the doctor's office? RM went sliding into a corner baseboard (we think) and started gushing blood. Calm Oma encouraged superglue and a bandaid. Panicked Momma opted for dermabond from the professionals. Hopefully the scar won't be too bad.

Christmas break can best be summized in this photo right here: I call it "Elf Blur". RM, in his beloved Oma-made Santa hat, whizzing around in cozy pants at home. His mom loves cozy pants. And she had a lovely break from work, so cozy pants were a family affair.

1 comment:

EssBee said...

LOVE cozy pants!