1. Watching RM learn new things is one of the greatest delights of my current station in life. Listening to RM verbalize his newfound joys at 100 miles an hour is also an incredible privilege. People tell me I’ll want to shut him up soon… I find that hard to believe right now.
2. I can’t get enough of Spring. Flinging the windows open at home and turning on the attic fan… Ahh, perfection. It's supposed to be 40 and rainy this weekend. Boo.
3. Naming children can be a tough task, especially when agreeing on that moniker with your spouse is critical. I think we’ve perfected #2. It's a secret. But if you get Floyd drunk, he might just slip up and tell.
4. I came across
these thoughts on the GYM and love her eloquence.
5. Ever since I was a young child, I can remember being embarrassed by tardiness to school, church, etc. I swore I would not be tardy once I was in charge. I am still very much a tardy person.
6. I hate to go to bed with dishes in the sink, or without wiping down the counters. It’s a weird pet peeve. Somehow I am quite content with leaving a heaping pile of paperwork on my desk in no particular order at the end of each day.
7. Food allergies really put a damper on my lackadaisical attitude. I need to read more books so as not to expose my child unnecessarily to his dietary adversaries. His eyes were real swollen the other day due to a piece of Chex mix.
8. My most embarrassing moment is from a piano recital during my childhood at the Greenville Museum of Art. The back of my dress was tucked into my undies. I'm sure I have an adult moment, but nothing stands out like that one.
9. I really, really want to be able to snap my fingers and make my basement renovation happen. I have visions of a laundry room with a clean floor, and a light. Asking too much?
10. Last night I had a serious Slushie craving. Fortunately, the mini mart down the street had a Cherry Fanta Icee that fit the bill, and Floyd was a willing courier.