Sunday, March 08, 2009

another little ditty

So 7 more weeks have passed in 'round two' and i've noticed a few more things that I want to record for my own posterity. Bear with me if you dare.

1. Bought new maternity jeans because the 'round one' pair are baggie. From the growth this girl has shown recently, I'm thinking the 'round one' pair will probably fit again in the 3rd trimester.

2. Swelling. With RM I never experienced swelling. Twice this week when I was on my feet for an extended period of time (and trying to wear real cute shoes) I noticed some puffiness around the feet... lovely. I have a feeling that CANKLES are in my future.

3. Weight gain. I have been on the exact same schedule with this baby as I was with RM - same weight at 20 weeks for both pregnancies. Interesting... we'll see if that continues, hah!

4. Food aversions update: I have eaten chicken a couple of times in the last week or so... I still prefer other meats, but i'm glad to say that poultry doesn't make me want to yark anymore.

If you want to see an updated bump, my friend LB has posted one. The 2007 version of this milestone is, naturally, much more subdued. Aye.

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