i guess you can tell by the title of this post that i'm going 3 for 3 on posting about my child's fascination with his digestive system... particularly the final stage of it. I figure, i'm on a roll, why deviate now?
So, have yall ever heard of "pee-pee tee-pees" ??? Because they are these hilarious and very practical little cones to prevent the exact thing that happened tonight. I let my guard down, it's true. But really, he's over four months old for crying out loud. He hasn't sprinkled outside of the tub in at least two months. But ahh, he had a special treat in mind for me tonight. Not only hitting the drapes (exhibit A), but also the wall (exhibit B). Then giving me a very cute and very guilty, "oops, was that me? Sorry mom" kind of face (Exhibit C). I added a final photo shot of the wall just so you all could get the full effect of the urination factor (exhibit D).
Lets agree, it's not really as good as the Happy Birthday Momma moment, but fun for him nonetheless. i think he might just like surprises just as much as i do.
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