Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Chub-a-love Contest

recent addition: JG, the Skinniest little love. I even hesitated to add him because of the lack of opportunity for paint-speedoing... but his little grin is just too much. These cousins are SO cute!

Which baby do you think wins the contest for most chub-a-love at three months?
Will it be G-money, G-Lou, RM, or C-love? (in order of appearance)


Beth said...

Oh my gosh, so funny! I love the makeshift undies! hahahah~what a cute group of little ones!

erika said...

um, yeah. i think my girl wins hands down.
like the swim suits--hysterical. :)

Tootie said...

C-love by a landslide. besides, her purple swimmie bottoms are the best.

EssBee said...

Those baby speedos are too much!

Unknown said...

C-love....awww man, she can make me smile anytime...

You all are very talented with the digital adjustments! Did any of you see the Baby Thong commerical on Saturday Night Live?

carriehayes said...

that is hilarious!!! c-love for contest! thanks for the smile i now have on my face!!! :)

BKicklighter said...

C-love it is!!!
Can that family grow em or what??

Tootie said...

Hah! JG is so much darker than the rest of your whities!

Marijke said...

C-love (an alias, of course, is fat enough to wear a bra already! She gets my vote.

Evelyn & Floyd said...

oh yeah, Caroline wins:) I'm glad she didn't steam roll G-Lou in the tub that day!