Monday, November 01, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Saturday night we had planned to return to our 2009 venue: Highlands, NC. But RM was rocking a fever and croupy cough still, so we opted for dinner in front of cartoons at KK & Grandad's house. He's feeling much better already. If we look tired in this picture, you're not mistaken. The thing about Oct. 31st is that it falls so close to Nov. 2nd in a busy midterm year, to say the least!

I know, there are a lot of ladybugs this year - but not too many JUNEBUGS! RM's bruiser on his forehead got more attention than his superhero muscles. He is dressed as the old comic book character, "The Green Lantern" and even carried his lantern that matched! Score, Meredith. :)

Oma & Pops came by the house to see their sweet grands visit a couple of houses. It was such a lovely surprise to get to enjoy the walk with them!

The great thing about ages 3 and 1 for Halloween? Four houses is plenty! That's a wrap, home again for bedtime.

1 comment:

The Batts said...

cute costumes!!!