so, about once every quarter (yes, four times a year or thereabouts) Floyd decides to find related domestic items that might have disappeared into the deep abyss of his vehicle. I don't know where the abyss is, only that it must be hard to access because of the infrequent nature of these 'domestic eruptions' that take place. I'm wondering where the five coffee cups have been, and Ta'Da! They suddenly reappear... after what appears to have been a long, dirty journey. Any of you relate?
the Buggle looked FAT to me one day this week. you know, when your child is growing so rapidly that one day they look long and thin, but the next week you notice a pudginess that wasn't there before... anyway, she looked down right fat. Maybe it was the fact that she had guzzled somewhere around 5 eight ounce bottles that day, and was eating more at the 'square meals' than her brother. hot-dog? sure. baked beans? no problem. apple slices? bring 'em on. chips, water, more hot-dog, more beans, more apples... she was a vacuum. it was awesome.
RM is on steriods again. i think the pediatricians are ready to start calling a spade a spade. and by spade, yes, i mean ASTHMA. but before i get any long-range information about how to handle this going forward, of course we have to address the O2 saturation with albuterol and ---wait for it--- ORAPRED. you might be reading between the lines and understanding this means some very sleepless nights, as well as one jacked-up little boy. he was BOUNCING when he woke up this morning. And then, instead of napping for the sitters? He stripped a queen-sized bed and plucked a feather pillow. Move him to the pack'n'play in a closet, you say? Ahh, all the better to take every article of clothing off the hanger. I think this is supposed to make me a more praying person.
me? i'm just facing the August Recess head on, and planning a busy season for the 'in state work period' for an election year. just because we enjoy a 42 point lead in the polls doesn't mean i'm filing my nails at my desk. we like to keep the momentum going, if you know what i mean.
ps - JH, III is still summering in the mountains.
pps - a downpour just started. it sounds amazing. summer shower, at night. Ahh, i love it.
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