our Buggle will be ONE in a few short weeks. i'm not ready to talk about that. but what i will divulge is that she already *thinks* she is two and a half. you know, like her brother. cracking the code on what-can-we-possibly-feed-her turned out to be simpler than i was willing to admit. if we just feed her exactly what we are eating, or more importantly, what RM is eating, she's happy as a clam.
i had a pretty good gig going for a while though. what with the breastfed diapers until 6 months (soooo easy, by comparison) and then relatively simple eating program from 6-10 months when it was generally a liquid and cheerios diet. Now i just have to make sure she gets to taste all the 'grown up' offerings she sees, and doesn't choke. so far, so good. and by 'good' i mean choke-free. although there is one aspect of this newfound independence that isn't so great. So here is the little story from dinner the other night, in pictures.
i'm so happy! i have four teeth, while #5 and #6 are busting through!
dinner time is so fun when Momma and Reddy help me eat.
he's such a helpful brother. can't you tell? if only he knew what i was about to do.
hmmm, why are we outside? this is fun... but i feel a little icky. wonder what momma is gonna do about that out here...
Yep. That's right. Remember the 'bumbo bomb' courtesy of RM as an infant? Suffice it to say the Bug has learned to execute accordintly in her booster chair during dinner. this particular evening, the only solution was literally to hoist her outside and spray her off with the garden hose. #neighborsworried #gottadowhatchagottado
Hilarious...love the censorship!
Our Nancy Rose was an expert at Bumbo Bomb, mostly as we were trying to head out the door.
The censor work is amAZing! Ahhh, gotta love these memories!
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