Thursday, October 01, 2009

'farm' themed birthday cake

These are in reverse order. Here are the 'adults' sitting at the table after the munchkins had fled the sceen. Although it looks calm and serene, i assure you someone is shrieking and giggling and running around in the background somewhere. There were 7 cousins aged 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2mo, 2mo. there.

a very happy little boy digging into his cake. the icing was a hit.

and here he was blowing out the 'candles' - he did real well.

and the half eaten masterpiece. food presentation has never been one of my strongest areas to say the least.

just to give you an idea of how much i DON'T have it all together, the boy had his special dairy-free cake at preschool in the morning, and the same one again at dinner time with the family. i just plunked the farm animals back into the 'grass' (coconut) icing and stuck a couple TEA LIGHTS on it because, naturally, i forgot about the necessary birthday candles. Good thing kids don't really develop a long term memory until they are a few years old... gives ameatur parents a chance to hone our skills. As if I'm going to have it together in two more years... Ah, hahaha!


Marijke said...

Don't worry, Dan, even when you're an Oma you won't have it all together - I didn't have birthday candles at my house, either, remember?

The Howell's said... the candles...nice improvising.