Wednesday, September 23, 2009

SAT problem: J is intoletant of dairy. RM is intolerant of soy. Floyd has allergies to soy & RM has allergies to dairy. Evelyn feeds J. How many varieties milk?


Tootie said...

Oh good grief. But I know the answer, FOUR!!

The Howell's said...'re impressive with keeping up with all that. are y'all investing in a goat yet?

Evelyn & Floyd said...

Hah, toot. Forgot you know. Better question might have been, who drinks REAL milk? We have cow's, rice, soy and human milk varieties in our fridge.

The Buczkowski Blog said...

God knew you had the patients of Job! I don't know how you do it. I would just not feed my family!

TwoBabyStones said...

That makes my brain hurt. Not sure what that says about my brain, but you know... :)

The Batts said...

wait who drinks soy? (you? since you are nursing?), and will drinks cow?
geez! hang in there girlie!

Marijke said...

I'm guessing that there must be more than 4 varieties given all the ways your milk can come out (depending on meals ingested, etc.). If any one can keep track of all this - you certainly can. Remember your nickname? S