Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ahhhh, that's better.

Obviously, the old picture looks a little more "welcome home" with ol' Jim Hargate, III and the flourishing plants and the clean stone... I'll do my sprucin' when the project is all said and done - I just wanted to go ahead and post the new door that we're so excited about. It actually FUNCTIONS and LOCKS and SEALS when it CLOSES. Fancy.


The Batts said...

the door looks awesome!

Tootie said...

beautiful door! bet you're gonna be wiping off a few fingerprints from that glass in your future. :)

The Howell's said...

very impressive!

Lauren said...

much it! it's absolutely the little things that make all the difference.

Nancy said...

It's beautiful, but it'll be even better once it has a few grimy handprints.