Monday, September 29, 2008

First Birthday - The Cake Sequence


Beka Dean said...

Priceless! I hope you got him a ferret for his birthday.

The Batts said...

happy birthday red!

The Howell's said...

Hilarious! Happy Birthday, Red!

Tim and Katie said...

Can you BELIEVE he's one!!! So bittersweet! I love the cake sequence...he's such a cutie. Tell him Anna has a birthday kiss for him.

Babinsuit said...

wow a whole cake! what a lucky boy! hope he had a great time.

Evelyn & Floyd said...

Thx for all the B'day wishes guys! Beka - no ferret... will have to play with the Lehman's again soon. KT - no... totally can't believe it. First steps the other day! Les - betta getcha' girl a cake... you gots 3 weeks! :)