Thursday, February 28, 2008

Free Rent

A little song about an event in our lives yesterday.
I'll try to post a picture of this fabulous situation soon.

There's a Hole in my Ceiling, dear Floyd, dear Floyd!
There's a Hole in my Ceiling, dear Floyd, a Hole!

What varmit made this hole? dear Evelyn, dear Evelyn!
What varmit made this hole, dear Evelyn, what varmit?

A Squirrel seeking shelter, dear Floyd, dear Floyd!
A Squirrel seeking shelter, dear Floyd, a Squirrel!

I'll duct tape this hole, dear Evelyn, dear Evelyn!
I'll duct tape this hole, dear Evelyn my dear!

An "X" marks the spot, dear Floyd, dear Floyd!
An "X" marks the spot, where our dear Squirrel hides!


Marijke said...

Can't wait to see the pics! Complete with pesty varmint, of course! Such rich lives you both lead!

Tootie said...

Oh no. Hole is in the ceiling, not in the roof, right?

The Buczkowski Blog said...

Don't kill it.... is this the hole in the ceiling from the christmas tree??

My mom has a thing to catch squirrels in... this is how they got them out of their ceiling.. i can get it if you want it..