Tuesday, March 20, 2007

old dog... new trick?

What do these two pictures have in common? Well, they are both objects in our house that are left alone most day and night in the living room. Until recently, JH has really had model behavior. All our friends and neighbors wonder how we got such a wonderfully obedient and beautiful dog. Well it just happened to us that way. But this week, JH has taken notice of our sofa, with it's beautiful new pillows (that coordinate with our drapes) and our comfy afghan hand made by mom. He has decided that maybe the sofa and those pillows and afghan needed to be kept warm at night, or during the day. So a common morning and evening surprise was Jim Hargate curled up in the afghan with his head on a pillow, on our nice new sofa. Needless to say, we aren't impressed with his new trick.


Tootie said...

Ah hah! I knew he had a bad bone in him. He is so smart! He waited to show you this trick until AFTER he had wormed his way into your hearts. Hah hah! Good luck with that. I saw in Walgreens the other day that they sell steps to help your pet get on and off furniture more easily. . .

Marijke said...

MY afghan! Give him a rag at least and some junky pillow. 'Course that won't be nice for your excellent decor but I'm appalled - truly - Oma

erika said...

He just has a cute, guilty look about him in that picture. He and Dixie should really try their couch trick together. They could keep each other comfy.