Thursday, February 15, 2007

motley crew

This picture was taken at the office christmas party a couple of months ago... but i thought yall might just like to see the wild bunch of folks i work with on the state staff... I'm not even going to try to name everyone; as you can see we had to squeeze just to fit in the photo!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

St. Valentine's Affair

There's a little party going on for the Valentine holiday this Saturday night at 201 Bradley Blvd... for anyone in town or interested, swing by! It's guaranteed to be a good time, if not just for the free comic relief that will be provided...

Friday, February 02, 2007

an over due picture... O Tanenbaum!

Finally... an overdue picture of our first tree at Bradley... we actually didn't put a tree up for the past two years in a row due to the various moves across the state and back. Needless to say, i was ready to pull out the boxes and deck the house. But since we rushed into it (the weekend of Thanksgiving) i was also just as ready to take big Bertha down and and hurl her out of the house two days after Christmas. According to Will, I unilaterally stopped Christmas dead in it's tracks. (Apparently he wanted to let it linger on, "at least through the first week of January." No, no, i will not allow us to be that family.)

More Bradley Blvd Snowy Pictures...

Just a few more pictures in the neighborhood from yesterday's "snow day" . Pictured: Our house, the road behind our house, and our dear neighbor Karen's house...

sweet Jimmy Jim...

So, Jim hasn't gotten much play on the blog lately, so i thought i would update you all on what he has been doing lately. Laying around, sleeping, waking up, and dreaming about great chases pretty much fills up his schedule on a daily basis. Here are a few recent pics of him in "action".

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Does this look like the face of someone who's serious?

sister, bring it on... let the blog wars commence. (for those of you not previed to Shinny and i's conversation... we are having a snow-day blog war. Just for kicks and giggles. Please see other family blogspots for more entertainment...)